Dear my sweet ninjas,
This weekend was so much fun! I was finally able to enjoy some time off after a long and busy week. Friday night I spent my evening making bread and shooting some customs! I learned how to make a BIGA... it's a 12 hour starter for Italian bread. It's kinda of like sourdough but not as old or as sour haha. Saturday I spent the day baking the bread that I had fermenting the night before. I have to say I am really loving bread class at school. So far I still have 100% in the class! I only have two more quizzes and my final so Im hoping to keep my perfect grade. I've been posting lots of pics but I'll be sure to post more.

Saturday night I went to see The Smash Brothers, Cory and Chad, at a fun comedy club in San Diego adjacent called Mic Drop. It's got an awesome Cheshire cat them and it's gorgeous inside. We laughed the night away while drinking hipster b33r and listening to the rad comics. After smoking a few jays outside, I headed home nice baked and not too buzz3d. Since I never drive intoxicat3d, I had an Uber there, but LYFT back. Those damn surcharges changed what was a $23 ride there to a $63 ride back... no thanks lol We switched to LIFT but had the craziest conversation with our driver. Sometimes you gotta wonder what possesses people to tell you stories they should have kept to themselves lol It was so gnarly, I'll keep it to myself. haha
After waking up Sunday morning around 11am, I prepared for my Sabotage Sunday show! This week went off pretty well! I played Kill It With Fire and had so much fun! The sabotages were fantastic and the crowd was really into it! Big thanks to Mark, TNT, Vedder, JFP, and of course Darkshine for the tips, the fun and to everyone else who tipped and joined!
Finally, I've made it to round two of the Face of Horror Contest! I've been uploading a ton of pics to my Instagram to promote voting! to vote for me, visit